7 Immunity Boosting Juices To Fight Illness

We all know that consuming fruit and vegetables can only be a good thing, and a great way to ensure you get your five a day is to whizz them into a fresh juice.

But did you know that there are tonnes of ingredients out there which can not only help keep you healthy but even keep colds and other illnesses at bay? There’s nothing stopping you making your usual favourite drink, but if you fancy something a bit different, then these combinations will keep your insides in top condition.

Apple, Carrot and Orange

Why: Vitamins A, B6, C, Potassium

A nice sweet and fruity offering to start your morning. These fruits contain three of the most important vitamins to boost your health, and oranges also contain fibre and choline which are good for the heart.

Vitamin A also helps maintain healthy skin, and C stimulates the production of collagen in our skin. So your ticker will love you for it, it will build up immunity, and your skin will be glowing. Not bad for a glass of juice.

Tomato Juice

Why: Vitamin C, Potassium, Folate, Vitamin K, Lycopene

Tomato Juice Recipe and Benefits

Some of you reading this will be thinking “But that is what Dot Cotton orders when she goes to the Queen Vic, so what can tomato juice possibly do for me?”

Well. A lot, actually. The big ingredient is lycopene, an antioxidant which has proven benefits and offers a reduced risk of heart disease and cancer. Then there is folate, which reduces the risk of infections.

The best thing is, it is probably one of the easiest fruits (or vegetables depending on your outlook) to get the juice out of, with no fancy appliance required. You can add salt, pepper, paprika and any other spices as you wish.

Strawberry and Mango

Why: Vitamins A, C, and E, Folate, Iron

One for those of you out there who prefer smoothies. You can also use frozen fruits if they’re easier to manage.

Vitamin C is the big offering from strawberries, and there is research to suggest that they can contribute towards the reduced risk of cardiovascular disease.

Mangoes are low in fat and calories, contain your entire daily requirement of Vitamin C, and the antioxidant zeaxanthin is thought to play a protective role in eye health.

Beetroot, Carrot, Ginger and Turmeric

Why: Vitamins A, C, E, Iron, Calcium

Four root vegetables which have a whole host of benefits. The main one is that each has a proven effect on reducing inflammatory symptoms.

These are your body’s reaction to infections such as colds or the flu and results in all of those horrible side effects like runny and blocked noses, coughs and headaches.

Turmeric and ginger are also seen to reduce inflammations in joints, so could help with symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. And they are a little on the spicy side so could soothe sore throats and settle upset stomachs.

Spinach, Lettuce, Apple and Kale

Why: Iron, Calcium, Vitamins A, B6, C, K

Green Spinach, Lettuce, Apple and Kale Juice

Spinach is the king of iron in the vegetable world. There is around 2.71mg of iron in every 100g of the stuff, and it is one of the best ingredients to sneak into juices as you can barely taste it. Iron is vital to tackle anaemia and can help with fatigue.

Kale is one of the most nutrient-dense vegetables on the planet, with antioxidants like quercetin and kaempferol as well as all those vitamins, and it can even lower cholesterol levels. It isn’t going to be the prettiest, but if you live by the motto that anything green is good for you, then it’ll be a winner.

Beetroot, Spinach and Carrot

Why: Nitrates, Potassium, Iron, Vitamin A, Fibre

If you want to manage blood pressure, then vegetables rich in potassium and fibre are advised. Beetroot also contains nitrates which help to relax blood vessels and improve blood flow and can have an impact on lowering blood pressure.

Spinach does a similar job, and the lutein content prevents the walls of arteries thickening, which should lower the risk of heart attacks. Then you have carrots, which are also high in potassium. Basically, you will be getting more than enough of the stuff.

Grapefruit, Orange, Carrot, Lemon, Turmeric and Ginger

Why: Vitamin C, Fibre, Potassium, Calcium, Iron

Grapefruit, Orange, Carrot, Lemon, Turmeric and Ginger Juice

Some people swear by vitamin C to fight off colds. Others say it isn’t the most important nutrient and things like echinacea and zinc are better. Whatever your view, it certainly won’t do you any harm.

This particular drink has some of the highest vitamin C inclusive ingredients available; all whizzed up to make a bright orange glass of joy. Then there is the infection-fighting turmeric, which will reduce nasal issues and muscle aches.

If you have a sore throat (or a sweet tooth), then add some honey. It’ll not only act as a natural sweetener but also work with the lemon for a soothing touch.


To get the most out of the benefits of these fruits and vegetables, using a juicer is the way to go. It will get every last bit of the goodness out of them, removing everything you don’t want in there. If you would prefer to use a blender, just add some water or milk to the mixer to get it going.

Remember that juicing is a healthy addition to your diet, not a replacement. These recipes won’t completely heal any issues you have, but will certainly go a long way to giving your body a much-needed nutrient boost.

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